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Alum. stair platform 200/307cm

Alum. stair platform 200/307cm

Арт. № 316013075
The stairs are used to provide access to the various deck levels within the scaffold. The aluminum platform stairs are suitable for 2.00 kN/m² (EN12811: class 3). Alu-stairways are available in lengths of 2.57m, 3.07m.
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The stairs are used to provide access to the various deck levels within the scaffold. The aluminum platform stairs are suitable for 2.00 kN/m² (EN12811: class 3). Alu-stairways are available in lengths of 2.57m, 3.07m.

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Тегло / бр. 40 kg
Количество опаковка 1 pc.

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