Components & Accessories | Doka Chile

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Components & Accessories

113 Products found
  • 3
  • 4(current)
  • 5
Frami tie-holder bracket

Item no. 588453000

Frami pallet 1.20m

Item no. 588478000

Frami pallet 1.50m

Item no. 588476000

Supporting construction

Item no. 588477000

Frami universal fixing bolt 5-12cm

Item no. 588479000

Frami profile adapter for bias cut corner I

Item no. 588491000

Frami tie-adapter for bias cut corner I

Item no. 588492000

Framax stripping spindle I

Item no. 588618000

Doka 4-part chain 3.20m

Item no. 588620000

Doka express anchor 16x125mm

Item no. 588631000

Doka coil 16mm

Item no. 588633000

A package consists of 100 pieces.

Reducer 26/22mm

Item no. 581853000

A package consists of 250 pieces.

Removable folding tripod top

Item no. 586155500

Frami stop-end waler tie 15-45cm

Item no. 588498000

Plumbing strut 260 IB

Item no. 588437500

Adjusting strut 120 IB

Item no. 588248500

Adjusting strut 220 IB

Item no. 588251500

Strut head EB

Item no. 588945000

Strut shoe EB

Item no. 588946000

Prop head EB

Item no. 588244500

113 Products found
  • 3
  • 4(current)
  • 5