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Doka-Träger H20 top P

Der Holzschalungsträger H20 top ist ein Vollwandträger gemäß EN 13377 mit innovativer Endverstärkung aus Polyurethan für erhöhte Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen mechanische Beanspruchungen.

Doka-Träger H20 top N

The stress-resistant formwork beam in solid-web design

High-quality, robust, long-lasting – The Doka H20 top N beam is a durable formwork beam in solid-web design with with a three-ply sheet web that can be used in wall and slab formwork systems. The innovative polyurethane beam-end caps reduce damage and guarantee a service life that is up to three times longer.

Please note that there may be delays in delivery due to increased demand and that delivery times may be longer.

Doka-Träger H20 eco N

The tried-and-tested formwork beam in solid-web design

High-quality, hard-wearing, durable – The Doka beam H20 eco N is a dimensionally stable solid wall beam with a three-ply sheet web and proven end-reinforcement by bevelling the beam ends and an extra plastic rivet in the beam chord. The beam can be used in wall and slab formwork systems.

Please note that there may be delays in delivery due to increased demand and that delivery times may be longer.

Doka-Träger H20 eco P

The tried-and-tested formwork beam in solid-web design

High-quality, hard-wearing, durable – The Doka beam H20 eco P is a dimensionally stable solid wall beam with a web made of special flat-pressed sheet and proven end-reinforcement by bevelling the beam ends and an extra plastic rivet in the beam chord. The beam can be used in wall and slab formwork systems.

Please note that there may be delays in delivery due to increased demand and that delivery times may be longer.

Doka-Schalungsplatte 3-SO 21mm
Doka-Schalungsplatte 3-SO 27mm
Schalungsplatte 3S basic 27mm
Verschnittplatte 3S cut 27mm
Dokaplex-Schalungsplatte 9mm
Dokaplex-Schalungsplatte 18mm
Dokaplex-Schalungsplatte 21mm
Xlife-Platte 21mm
Xface-Platte 21mm
DokaPly Birch DC 21mm

DokaPly Birch is a birchwood-veneer plywood sheet with 220 g/m² film coating on both sides, for horizontal and vertical formwork applications subject to ultra-high requirements for the concrete surfaces.

Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 top
Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 30 top
Doka-Deckenstütze Eurex 20 eco
Ankerstab 15,0mm verzinkt
Ankerstab 15,0mm unbehandelt
Faserbetonrohr 22mm
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