You can register your company here. We can also provide you with a Registrationcode. With this code, it will make the initial logon easier. You can also use our Contact Form.
Please note:After registration your company data will be checked by Doka. As soon as your company has been activated you will receive an email containing your activation link. After this procedure you will be able to log in and use all functions of the Doka Online Shop.
If your company is already registered, please contact your Administrator. He/she can provide you with an access as a User in order to be able to use the Online Shop. If your Administrator is not known to you, you can use our Contact Form. We are happy to help you.
When you click in the login area on the link "Forgot your password?", you can enter your e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail with the information on creating a new password.
You can change your password under "My Account- Profile" at any time. Please click on the Button "Change Your Password"
You can change your Account settings in My Account.
The company can create several Users in the Online Shop. These Users can be assigned to different roles.
- Administrator
The Administrator can shop unlimited and can approve/place orders. The main task of the Administrator is to manage the company's profile ( ex. Create new user accounts).
- Manager
The Manager can purchase as long as he/she does not exceed the set limit. In addition, the manager is responsible to approve incoming orders.
- Buyer
The Buyer can shop as long as he/she does not exceed the authorized limit.
Most of the settings (for example permissions, manage projects) will be managed by the Administrator under My Company- manage users serction.
There are three roles:
- Administrator
An administrator is the main contact person and is responsible of the company account. He/she creates new users, assign permissions and Projects to the Users.
- Manager
A manager can place orders and can approve incoming orders. Whan approving an order, you have to control all the purchase orders made over the order limits.
- Buyer
A buyer can purchase with the amount that is permitted to him/her. The buyer is not able to approve nor reject orders and cannot manage or make changes the company account.
In the section My Company - Manage User you have the opportunity to create new users and their roles. In order to create new users to the roles given, please click on "Create new User".
Please note that the role management is generally only accessable to the Administrators.
You can create new users via the My Company - Manage User section. Use the "Create new User" to assign the desired role.
Please note: The new user can only be created by an Administrator.
In the section My Company - Manage User and select the user you would like to edit. Then you can make the necessary changes to the selected user.
There are two different types of access that can be assigned to a User. These are order limits for each order and order limits for a defined time span (example Week, Quarter). In addition, you can define which construction sites should be visible and accessed for every single User.
In the case a Manager exceeds his/her limit, the Administrator will receive an E-mail with the request to check the order. If a Purchaser exceeds his/her limit, then the Manager and the Administrator will receive each an E-mail to approve the order.
In the E-mail you will find the link to the Order Approval Overview (My Account - Order Approval). In this section you can either approve or reject the order. The person who has placed the order will be informed via email about the order status (approved or rejected).
Please note: The order process will begin as soon the order was reviewed and approved.
The saved lists are a useful tool especially when you wish to save the products that you order on a regular basis.
You can add the desired products as a favourite in your saved list and you can access it at anytime.
In order to access the saved list, you must first log in. In the case you are not registered yet, please follow this link.
On each of the product detail page, you will find the button "Saved List". If you would like to add a product to your saved list, please click on this button. Then you will directly land onto the Saved list page or you can continue shopping.
In the saved list, you will find a small shopping basket. By clicking on this button, your product will be added to the shopping cart.
The product will remain available for you in your saved list.
To remove products from your saved list, you have two available options:
- Deleting a single item
If you wish to delete one item from your saved list, please click on the trash icon.
- Deleting a list
By clicking on the "Delete all" button, the entire list will be deleted.